In an era where the Internet is becoming more and more important in all professional fields, many practices have been facilitated on the web. In the field of real estate, properties for sale and purchase are increasingly circulating on social networks. The reason is simple, users can both learn about properties, the market and connect with other real estate players, all in one place: the internet. Here are 4 reasons why every real estate broker needs a website in 2022!

Become a resource for potential clients

After creating your own website, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients. You need to put a strategy in place to educate them about your services, but also to sell yourself. In the real estate business, competition is fierce: you need to differentiate yourself. By creating a website, you provide your clients with a platform that is a valuable resource while positioning yourself on the virtual market.

A proof of credibility

Today, according to The National Association of Realtors, 96% of Americans do their research online when it comes to buying a home. The Internet is now the reality for a large majority of the population. To stay current and show that your services are always on the cutting edge, having a website is a must.

Educate your customers

In a field like real estate that evolves rapidly, your clients must stay up to date to facilitate their real estate transactions. Having a website is an effective way to provide information to clients, who can then find out for themselves at their convenience. As a real estate broker with a website, you will be able to transmit information to your clients without having to call on them directly, by publishing articles, for example.

Avoid losing clients

Do customers search for your name on the internet but find little information about you? It can happen that a weak web presence scares off some clients, who prefer to turn to another professional with a higher digital profile. By having a website, you can avoid this situation by giving your name a chance to rank in the algorithm. A strong web presence will allow you to reach more potential clients, who will then perceive you as a reference in the real estate sector.

In short, in 2022, having a website is essential for a real estate broker. Whether it’s for your own benefit or to avoid disappointment and frustration, build a website that reflects your image and becomes a valuable tool for you and your clients.

To learn more, click here!

Sources :

  1. National Association of Realtors Research Group, Real Estate in Digital Age, 2021, [web],
  2. Marc Cordy – LinkedIn, 10 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Need Their Own Websites, 2015, [web]